Friday, September 27, 2013

Tattooing the Right Way

Your personal style statement is made of what you wear and tattoos, if it interests you, can be a great way of putting your thoughts across. Tattoos aren't just about ink on your skin. It says a great deal about you and your lifestyle.
Tattoos are more of art than body embellishments. It's about bringing out the best of an idea on human skin. Famous tattoo artists across the world agree that it's quite a challenging job. A permanent mark on someone's body and to make that involves a lot of risk. A small mistake can cause the client regret it forever.
While getting a tattoo, the most important thing is to choose the right tattoo artist. A thorough market survey is advised. Also, it's always wise to existing client of the artist to be sure of his/her skills. Here are some other do and don'ts of tattooing.
Go to the right person: Money shouldn't be the first concern, when it comes to tattoo. It's a piece of art and one should be looking for an artist. A tattoo artist must be completely trustworthy and an expert in what he does.
Do not experiment: If it is your first tattoo, it's wise to go for some design you're comfortable with. Too much of an experiment can leave you with a tattoo that doesn't match your style or personality. Save the bolder ones for later.
Check the instruments: It's a must. Go through every instrument, needles and colors that the tattoo artist will be using. It's important that you're completely convinced with what the artist uses on your skin. To be sure, again, go to someone who's in business for a long time.
Listen to the artist: Being in a business for a long time, teaches one a thing or two. It's advisable that you listen to your tattoo artist if he comes up with a suggestion or idea. You may not agree with it, but there is no harm in lending an ear.
Feel good factor: Go for a tattoo only if you're comfortable carrying it around. It's important that you are sure and confident of the step. If not, wait till you're sure.
Infections: You may develop rashes or irritation after getting a tattoo. Talk to your tattoo artist or a doctor if you get these rashes. Make sure you attend to it almost immediately. Ignoring it may lead to more complications.
Colored tattoos: Not all of us can carry colored tattoos; neither do all designs look good in color. The best option is to talk to your tattoo artist and ask for his/her views. He will be the best person to choose the right design and color for you if you already haven't decided on one.
Getting the right tattoo in the right place can make you look gorgeous. It's about the right design and style made by the right person. You also need to be very sure of the place in your body where you want to get the tattoo. It's a style statement only when correctly done.

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